In the heart of the Berici Hills DOC
There are places that are able to transmit more sensations than others. Like Toara, which means “good earth”, where the Piovene Porto Godi wines are grown. 220 hectares of land, including cultivated arable land, an olive grove and woodland, with 28 hectares of family-owned vineyard. The position is perfect. We are in the heart of the DOC region (area of registered-designation-of-origin wines), sheltered in a natural amphitheatre in the southern part of the Berici Hills.
The position is perfect. We are in the heart of the DOC, sheltered in a natural amphitheatre in the southern part of the Berici Hills. The vineyards extend from the foot of the hills to an altitude of about 250 m.
The varieties grown on the Piovene family-owned vineyard are: the Tai (Tocai) Rosso, traditional variety and exclusive to the Berici Hills, the Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon and the Merlot. For white grapes, on the other hand, there are the Sauvignon, the Pinot Blanc and the Garganega.
We also should not to forget the valuable work of the winemakers: Enzo Mazzocco, Flavio Prà e Giovanni Nordera.